Thursday, 15 August 2013

Computer Monitor for Sea Hawk

 This was quite a challenge with it's many facets, curves and cut outs. The desk had been stitched by machine and I was asked to match it as much as possible. I cut, measure, punch holes and stitch all by hand.

Around the front of the screen I've used the saddle stitch to match the desk.
The base needed to be removable for stowage.
The buttons below the monitor can still easily be used through the leather and there are symbols that correspond on the front.

My latest bone carving

Turtle pendant in bone and turtle shell.

I've started on a collection of whale's tail hair pins.
 This one is carved from lignum vitae, also known as the tree of life.
 This is only the fourth fid that I have made and is of antler and olive wood.
If anyone is interested in comissioning me to create a piece for them, I can be contacted at

Eilean leather, season 2013

 The new boom crutch supports the main boom from the mizzen mast.

I was asked to poduce some winch handle pockets, but there weren't too many places they could actually go. So I decided to create a double pocket on each side of the low lying deck furniture.
 There had to be way to ensure they wouldn't fall out, hence the button stoppers which I had used before on Mariquita's jib top thump mat.

 Eilean's jib top thump mat for the winch handle using the same priciple and the handle can be placed down facing either direction.

 This single winch handle pocket will be fixed to the main mast. The low curve in the side should keep the handle close in to the mast out of the way of lines.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Kelpie Bling

Tart up your teflon blocks.
Very few of theses mast hoops were the same size, which did slow down the process.

Having leathered the hoops they neede the bronze hardware to be lashed on.

Then each one had two turks heads to finish off the leather
That was a lot of turks heads and just when I thought I'd had enough I finished the spinaker pole with them too.